Scripture Reading - Job 7:13-14 GNB (Good News Bible)

13 I lie down and try to rest; I look for relief from my pain.
14 But you---you terrify me with dreams; you send me visions and nightmares

In the Old Testament many of God’s people had no knowledge of the evil one. The saints of the old covenant generally thought everything that happened spiritually was from God, good and bad. This is still the thinking of some very immature believers and a lot of unbelievers in the world. These verses recorded from the lips of Job teach us there is a category of “Sleep Departure” that is caused by the evil one sending trouble. In the New Testament the Lord Jesus reveals to us that all good things come from our Heavenly Father while all evil originates with Satan. Quite often when people can’t understand something spiritually they blame God even though God is not their problem but rather their solution. If ever your sleep is departed for fear of something bad happening it is a work of evil to trouble you. Remember all fear has torment and Satan with his forces of darkness purpose to bring all people into frustration and confusion using the tactics of fright and pressure. Those people who don’t realize who (or what) they are up against always have a hard time handling these types of attacks. This is why the Lord tells us not to let the sun go down upon our wrath in Ephesians 4:26,27 because it gives place to the devil. Whenever a person is under attack from the wicked one they must first resist the devil by faith in the Name of Jesus. The divine order is always submit to God’s Will first, then resist the devil with God’s Word in the mighty Name of Jesus. If nightmares (bad dreams or evil visions) come to your mind while you are sleeping you should immediately speak to the root of the problem (Satan) and command him not to send any evil dreams, visions, imaginations, pictures or thoughts into your mind at night in the Name of Jesus. Then start confessing that, “I always have a good night sleep in Christ Jesus filled with peace and comforting thoughts because the blood of Jesus covers my mind”. Yes, as we mentioned in other articles about “sleep” praying in tongues is good for strengthening your heart, and reading God’s Word is highly effective for renewing your mind and praising God for who He is and all He has done for you is great spiritual exercise to strengthen your inner man but without proper resistance to the enemy of your soul the wicked one can still trouble you with evil thoughts and/or pictures coming to your mind when you are trying to sleep. This is because during the day your mind is focused on what you are doing which makes it difficult for Satan to get a word in edge wise (without a foothold he has no place). However, at night when your mind is more relaxed the adversary will sometimes send you a nightmare to tempt you with evil thoughts. This negative (counter-productive) spiritual activity must be resisted in the Name of Jesus with a firm stand by the believer. We (ihlcc) are not saying pray for God to stop it but rather you must resist this in the authority of the Name of Jesus by not allowing this type of mental harassment to exist in your mind or home (children included). Having practiced this exercise personally we can give testimony that it works but patience and consistency are necessary. The moment your confession becomes (grows into) your ingrained attitude influencing your way of life the victory is certain (absolute). So resist any form of a nightmare and they will flee from you and those under your authority simple because Jesus said they would.-Refer to James 4:7 Once you have correctly uprooted the source of your “Sleep Departure” your sleep will return for a good rest. Amen.